
FOR-SITE Foundation



Established in 2003, FOR-SITE Foundation is dedicated to the creation, understanding, and presentation of art about place. Our exhibitions and commissions, artist residencies, and education programs are based in the belief that art can inspire fresh thinking and important dialogue about our natural and cultural environment.


FOR-SITE has broken new ground and provided a model for engaging audiences through artistic collaborations on national park land. @Large: Ai Weiwei on Alcatraz is one of many recent exhibitions organized by FOR-SITE. Sanctuary (2017–2018) invited 36 artists from 21 different countries to design contemporary rugs reflecting on sanctuary in an era of increasing global migration and rising nationalism. Home Land Security (2016) examined notions of safety and security, activating military structures in the San Francisco Presidio’s Fort Winfield Scott with the work of 18 international artists and collectives. The exhibition International Orange (2012), enjoyed by more than 145,000 visitors, celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge with site-specific installations at historic Fort Point. FOR-SITE projects in the Presidio of San Francisco include Andy Goldsworthy’s installations SpireWood Line, and Tree Fall and the acclaimed Presidio Habitats exhibition, for which artists, designers, and architects created animal habitats in the park. Our work is celebrated for activating broad audiences around issues that matter.


The FOR-SITE Foundation is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization. It is governed by a five-person board of directors and supported by contributions from individuals and foundations.